Subject English
2576. Verb of ‘Number’ is -
(a) number
(b) enumerate
(c) numbering
(d) numerical
Ans. a
2577. ‘Child is the father of man’ is taken from the poem of -
(a) W. Wordsworth
(b) S. T. Coleridge
(c) P. B. Shelley
(d) A. C. Swinburne
Ans. a
2578. Slow and steady _____ the race. (Fill in the gap)
(a) win
(b) wins
(c) has won
(d) won
Ans. b
2579. “Man is a political animal” – who said this?
(a) Dante
(b) Plato
(c) Aristotle
(d) Socrates
Ans. c
2580. Who is known as “the poet of the nature” in English literature?
(a) Lord Tennyson
(b) John Milton
(c) Williams Words Worth
(d) John Keats
Ans. c
2581. Identify the correct sentence?
(a) Yesterday, he has gone home
(b) Yesterday, he did gone home
(c) Yesterday, he had gone home
(d) Yesterday, he went home
Ans. d
2582. “A Passage of India” is written by
(a) E. M. Forster
(b) Rudyard Kipling
(c) Galls Worthy
(d) A. H. Auden
Ans. a
2583. ‘Gitanjali’ of Rabindranath Tagore was translated by -
(a) W. B. Yeats
(b) Robert Frost
(c) John Keats
(d) Rudyard Kipling
2584. ‘Venerate’ Means -
(a) defame
(b) abuse
(c) respect
(d) accuse
Ans. c
2585. Credit tk 5000 _____ my account.
(a) in
(b) with
(c) against
(d) to
Ans. d
2586. ‘To do away with’ means -
(a) to repeat
(b) to start
(c) to get rid of
(d) to drive off
Ans. c
2587. Who of the following writers was not a novelist?
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) W. B. Yeats
(c) James Joyce
(d) Jane Austen
Ans. b
2588. Which one is a correct sentence?
(a) paper is made of wood
(b) paper is made from wood
(c) paper is made by wood
(d) paper is made on wood
Ans. a
Choose the one which best replaces the highlighted phrase.
2589. Adversities bring in the best worst in different human beings.
(a) brings out the best and the worst
(b) bring about the best and worst
(c) bring out best and worst
(d) No improvement
Ans. a
2590. His apology does not absolve him for the sins.
(a) does not absolve him off the sins
(b) did not absolve him for the sins
(c) does not absolve him of the sins
(d) No improvement
Ans. c
Select the one that is nearest in meaning to the given word.
2591. ABASE
(a) low
(b) peaceful
(c) humble
(d) cruel
Ans. a
2592. ACUMEN
(a) beauty
(b) appearance
(c) insight
(d) distaste
Ans. c
Choose the word(s) that best completes the relationship similar to that the given pair.
2593. Incubator : Infant:: _____ : _____
(a) Hive : Bee
(b) Greenhouse : Plant
(c) Bullet : Revolver
(d) Goalkeeper : Goalpost
Ans. b
2594. Sap : Vitality :: _____ : _____
(a) Drain : Resolve
(b) Bore : Tedium
(c) Enhance : Allure
(d) Examine : Opinion
Ans. a
2595. Impromptu : Rehearsal :: _____ : _____
(a) Numerical : Calculation
(b) Calculation : Calculator
(c) Offhand : Premeditation
(d) Makeshift : Fortitude
Ans. c
Select the appropriate word from the given options to complete the sentence.
2596. No one can say for sure how _____ the awards have been.
(a) determined
(b) effective
(c) reducible
(d) effervescent
Ans. b
2597. He does not work with his hands, he works _____ the machine.
(a) with
(b) by
(c) at
(d) on
Ans. a
2598. The accelerated growth of public employment ____ the dramatic expansion of budgets and programmes.
(a) parallels
(b) contains
(c) revolves
(d) escapes
Ans. a
2599. He is an amateur _____ stenography.
(a) for
(b) in
(c) by
(d) of
Ans. b
2600. The blind man was feeling _____ the table.
(a) in
(b) for
(c) by
(d) out
Ans. b