Subject English
In each of the following questions, a related pairs of words is followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship expressed in the question pair.
2626. Food : Gourmet
(a) Book : Critic
(b) Art : Connoisseur
(c) Sports : Fan
(d) Craft : Skill
Ans. b
2627. Just : Arbitrary
(a) Order : Arbitrary
(b) Bare : Clothed
(c) Hope : Surprise
(d) Proper : Improper
Ans. b
2628. Divide : Unite
(a) Split : Apart
(b) Marriage : Divorce
(c) Fission : Fusion
(d) Chasm : Gap
Ans. b
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions based on it.
A well-established Bangladeshi industrialist in a recent article on way to strengthen the economy of Bangladesh has drawn attention to the problems of inflation and industrial sickness among other things. One of the main reasons for industrial sickness in our country has been the fact that business and industrial managers have not been able to look beyond the immediate future. They have been too preoccupied with their attempts to report favorable results for the current year-higher profits and larger dividends to the shareholders. The planning horizon has hardly ever exceeded five years. Investments have been inadequate for new plants towards diversification and expansions. Modernization and asset creation has seriously lagged behind. In business, growth is needed for survival. One has to grow if one does not want to be wiped out. This is particularly true today with liberalization of imports and increasing competition. Moreover, growth and higher productivity create employment and higher employment creates larger markets both for industrial and consumer products. For this, there is a need for the creation of a larger and a more stable middle class, that is, a larger number of people who can afford more and more of goods and services. Even after forty two year of independence, our industrialists have not been able to shed the petty shopkeeper’s mentality and our highly educated management has tagged along merrily and without concern.
2629. According to the passage, growth and increasing productivity lead to-
(a) imposition of restriction on imports
(b) employment and thus provide an outlet to industrial and consumer products
(c) encouragement to export of excess consumer goods
(d) disproportionate surplus of commodities
Ans. b
2630. The leading industrialist attributes industrial sickness mainly to
(a) lacunae in five-year plans
(b) preoccupations of managers with matters unrelated to business
(c) higher profits and larger dividends to shareholders
(d) lack of foresight among managers
Ans. d
2631. According to the passage, the net gains pursued by managers are at the cost of-
(a) diversification, modernization and asset creation
(b) availability of markets for industrial and consumer products
(c) inflation and industrial sickness
(d) liberalization of imports and increasing competition
Ans. a
2632. “The planning horizon has hardly ever exceeded-five-year” implies that-
(a) planning should not be for a period of less than five years.
(b) the planning process is very time consuming.
(c) the planners are not inclined to think of the future.
(d) five-year period is too short for successful implementation of plants.
Ans. d
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom.
2633. To smell a rat
(a) To detect bad smell
(b) To misunderstanding
(c) To suspect a trick or deceit
(d) To see hidden meaning.
Ans. C
2634. To take a leap in the dark
(a) To lake risk
(b) To hazard one self
(c) To do a task secretly
(d) To do a hazardous tiling without any idea of the result
Ans. d
2635. Castles in the air
(a) Romantic designs
(b) Visionary projects
(c) Fanciful schemes
(d) Ideal projects
Ans. c
2636. To blow hot and cold
(a) Changing weather
(b) To be untrustworthy
(c) To be inconsistent
(d) To be rich and poor frequently
Ans. c
2637. By the rule of thumb
(a) By the use of force
(b) By the use of trickery
(c) By Cheating and deception
(d) By practical experience which is rather rough
Ans. d
Choose the most appropriate alternative to complete the sentence.
2638. You need _____ shoes for walking in the hills.
(a) good
(b) comfortable
(c) satisfactory
(d) sturdy
Ans. b
2639. Authority _____ when it is not supported by the moral purity of its user.
(a) crumbles
(b) waits
(c) empowers
(d) prevails
Ans. a
2640. No one like to be forced into _____ situations.
(a) humble
(b) insulting
(c) humiliating
(d) infuriating
Ans. c
2641. The rewards is a ____ of her service to mankind.
(a) memento
(b) memorial
(c) witness
(d) recognition
Ans. d
2642. Though they did not speak to each other much, there was a _____ understanding between them.
(a) placid
(b) contractual
(c) tacit
(d) verbal
Ans. c
For each question, select the word/phrase that appropriately fills in the gap.
2643. It is amazing how much you _____ of your mother.
(a) follow
(b) take care
(c) look
(d) work with
(e) take to
Ans. b
2644. When the news of his misdemeanor came out, it was expect that he would _____.
(a) requite
(b) flee
(c) surrender
(d) stand down
(e) step up
Ans. c
2645. The form must be signed by the _____ applicant.
(a) principle
(b) former
(c) main
(d) first
(e) related
Ans. d
2646. It was only when mother passed away did I realize that she had been _____ in my life.
(a) a recourse
(b) a load
(c) an epitaph
(d) a light
(e) an anchor
Ans. a
2647. It came as a complete surprise when Bakar left the job, as he had not given the slightest _____ that he was planning to quit.
(a) prospect
(b) inkling
(c) expectation
(d) proposal
(e) anticipation
Ans. b
For each of these sentence, identify which underlined section is incorrect.
2648. Changes in a our surroundings might at first b confound us, but as time pass c we got used d to it.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) No Error
Ans. c
2649. The company will not a survive druing the b recession even they c took severe d austerity measures.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) No Error
Ans. c
2650. The Chairperson emphasized that a None b issues execpt those c in the agenda can be d raised in the meeting.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) No Error
Ans. b