Subject English
Fill in the blanks
Instruction: Each of the sentences below contains a bank space and is followed by five options of words or phrases. Select the word or phrase that completes the sentence.
1101. I have ____ interest in the matter.
(a) no
(b) any
(c) none
(d) Noting
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1102. Physics ___ my favorite subject.
(a) have
(b) were
(c) is
(d) are
(e) None of these
Ans. d
1103. It is you who ___ to balance.
(a) am
(b) is
(c) are
(d) was
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1104. Will you mind ___ the accounts one more time?
(a) Checking
(b) to check
(c) checked
(d) check
(e) None of these
Ans. a
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.
A leading Bangladeshi industrialist in a recent article on ways to strengthen Bangladeshi’s economy has drawn attention to the problems of industrial sickness among other things. One of the main reasons for industrials sickness in our country has been the fact that business and industrial managers have not been able to look beyond the immediate future. They have been too preoccupied with their attempts to report favorable results for the current year-higher profits and larger dividends to the shareholders. The planning horizon has hardly ever exceeded five years. Investments have been inadequate for new plants towards diversification and expansions. Modernization and asset creation has seriously lagged behind. In business, growth is needed for survival. One has to grow if one does not want to be wiped out. This is particularly true today with liberalization of imports and increasing competition. Moreover, growth and higher productivity create employment and higher employment creates larger markets both for industrial and consumer products. For this, there is a need for the creation of a larger and a more stable class, that is, a larger number of people who can afford more and more of goods and services. Even after thirty – five years of independence, our industrialists have not been able to shed the party shopkeeper’s mentality and our highly educated management has tagged along merrily and without concern.
1105. Which of the following shortcomings of Bangladeshi industrialists has been highlighted by the author?
(a) The invest unreasonably high amount on diversification and expansion.
(b) They are more concerned with immediate net gains than for developmental activities.
(c) They are reluctant to maintain the shopkeeper mentality.
(d) They are less concerned for payment of dividends to shareholders,
(e) None of above
Ans. b
1106. The leading industrialist attributes industrial sickness mainly to ----
(a) lacunae in five –year plans
(b) preoccupations of managers with matters unrelated to business
(c) higher profits and larger dividends to shareholders
(d) lack of foresight among mangers
(e) inflation and other economic problems
Ans. d
1107. According to the passage, growth and increasing productivity lead to –
(a) imposition of restrictions on imports
(b) employment and thus provides on outlet to industrial and consumer products
(c) encouragement to export of excess consumer goods
(d) disproportionate surplus of commodities
(e) none of above
Ans. b
1108. ‘The planning horizon has hardly ever exceeded five years’ implies that-
(a) planning should not be for a period of less than five years.
(b) the planning process is very time consuming.
(c) the planning are not inclined to think of the future.
(d) planning should take care of all probable ups and downs in the next five year period.
(e) five-year period is too short for successful implementation of plans.
Ans. c
1109. According to the passage, the net gains pursued by managers are at the cost of –
(a) diversification, modernization and asset creation
(b) availability of markets for industrial and consumer products
(c) inflation and industrial sickness
(d) liberalization of imports and increasing completion
(e) higher profits and larger dividends to shareholders
Ans. a
In each of the following sentences, some, some parts have been jumbled up. You are required to re-arrange these, which are labeled. P, Q, R, S to from a complete meaningful sentence and to give tick mark accordingly.
1110. Education is
(P) of the people sense of responsibilities
(Q) the first need
(R) in a citizen
(S) for the development
(a) RPSQ
(b) QSPR
(c) QPRS
(d) SRQR
Ans. b
1111. The statement
(P)therefore you must listen carefully
(Q) what the speaker has said
(R) in order to understand
(S) will be made just once
(a) RPSQ
(b) SPRQ
(c) QPRS
(d) SRQP
Ans. b
1112. Reading books
(P) is a habit
(Q) But also enlarge the mind
(R) Because it not only increase knowledge
(S) Which must be cultivated by everybody?
(a) PQSR
(b) PQRS
(c) PSRQ
(d) SRPQ
Ans. c
1113. Western civilization is
(p) In is character that
(Q) National culture by affecting its external way of life
(R) It is bound to influence every
(S) So powerful and so uniform
(a) PQSR
(b) SPRQ
(c) PSRQ
(d) SRPQ
Ans. b
1114. The exhibition committee
(P) attractive and useful
(Q) to make the exhibition
(R) Making efforts
(S) Has been
(a) SRQR
(b) PQRS
(c) PSRQ
(d) SRPQ
Ans. a
In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one, which can be substituted for the given sentence.
1115. Person who is indifferent to both pleasure and pain
(a) Saint
(b) Ascetic
(c) Stoic
(d) Hermit
Ans. c
1116. A person who regards the whole world as his country
(a) Patriot
(b) Nationalist
(c) Cosmopolitan
(d) Metropolitan
Ans. c
1117. One who compiles dictionary
(a) Calligrapher
(b) Editor
(c) Lexicographer
(d) Compiler
Ans. c
1118. A person who rarely speaks the truth
(a) Scoundrel
(b) Liar
(c) Crook
(d) Hypocrite
Ans. b
1119. A man who pays too much attention to his clothes and personal appearance
(a) Snob
(b) Duffer
(c) Dandy
(d) Licentious
Ans. c
Find out which underlined part of the following sentence has an error.
1120. An a exchange rate is the price b of one currencies c in terms of another d .
(a) An
(b) Price
(c) currencies
(d) another
Ans. c
1121. The tiger’s cunning, strength, and agile a have earned b it c a legendary d reputation.
(a) agile
(b) earned
(c) it
(d) legendary
Ans. a
1122. Most a critics agree that b William Shakespeare was the greater c writer in d the English language.
(a) Most
(b) that
(c) greater
(d) in
Ans. c
1123. Much a nutritionists argue b that people’s intake of fat c should be reduced d .
(a) Much
(b) agrue
(c) fat
(d) reduced.
Ans. a
1124. Some paper dolls, which a were once relatively b cheap, are previously c considered valuable collector’s items d .
(a) which
(b) relatively
(c) previously
(d) items.
Ans. c

Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: The 50-million–year–old fossil of an ancient whale found in the Himalayan foothills of Pakistan give strong evidence that modern whales are descended from a four –legged, land-dowelling animal. The fossils consist of part of the skull, some teeth, and the well preserved middle ear of an animal that was 6 to 8 feet long, weighed 350 pounds, had a work file snout, and had two foot-long jaws with sharp, triangular teeth. It is the middle ear which suggests that the ancient whale lived on land. Analysis indicated that the animal had eardrums, which do not work in water and which modern whales have only in vestigial form. Furthermore, the right and left ear bones were not isolated from each other. The separation of those bones in marine whales enables them to detect the direction of underwater sounds.
1125. The 50- million-year-old fossils found in Pakistan
(a) are 6 to 8 feet long and 350 pounds in weight
(b) are descended from a four-legged, land-dewlling animal.
(c) prove the Himalayan foothills were once under water.
(d) Include the middle ear of an ancient whale.
Ans. b