Subject English
1176. The government gave _____ the demands of the people.
(a) into
(b) in
(c) to
(d) over to
Ans. a
1177. The second World War broke _____ in September, 1939.
(a) through
(b) away
(c) out
(d) in
Ans. c
1178. Select similar to:
(a) easily deceived
(b) foolish
(c) willing to believe anything or anyone
(d) simple
Ans. c
1179. Select similar to:
(a) possible
(b) that can be done
(c) capable
(d) that will work
Ans. a
1180. Select similar to:
(a) comfortable
(b) useful
(c) convenient to handle or use
(d) necessary
Ans. b
1181. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair:
Conscious- Careless
(a) Well-informed- Knowing little
(b) Careful- Indifferent
(c) Graceful- Ugly
(d) Generous- Unkind
Ans. b
1182. Complete the following sentence:
If I had known you were coming _____.
(a) I would go to the station.
(b) I would be going to the station.
(c) I had gone to the station.
(d) I would have gone to the station.
Ans. d
1183. Choose the correct option
Even as harvesting was going on _____.
(a) the rainy season began
(b) the rainy season was began
(c) the rainy season had began
(d) the rainy season begins
Ans. a
1184. Which phrase contains words opposed to each other in meaning?
(a) Hopes and aspirations
(b) Heat and dust
(c) Reproduction and death
(d) Emerged and advanced
Ans. c
1185. Find out the correct translation: সকাল থেকে গুঁড়ি গুঁড়ি বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে।
(a) It is raining from morning.
(b) It has been raining from morning.
(c) It has been drizzling since morning.
(d) It is drizzling since morning.
Ans. c
1186. A person whose ‘head’ is in the ‘cloud’ is-
(a) proud
(b) a day dreamer
(c) an aviator
(d) useless
Ans. b
1187. Choose the correct tense:
(a) Javed was so exhausted that he lain down for a sleep
(b) Javed was so exhausted that he had lain down for a sleep
(c) Javed was so exhausted that he was lying down for a sleep
(d) Javed was so exhausted that he will lay down for a sleep
Ans. c
1188. A synonym for ‘resentment’ is-
(a) fear
(b) anger
(c) indignation
(d) panic
Ans. b
1189. The captain left the boat, because it _____.
(a) turned down
(b) turned up
(c) tuned bottom
(d) turned over
Ans. d
1190. One should be careful about _____ duty.
(a) his
(b) her
(c) one’s
(d) the
Ans. c
1191. Trees have _____ off their leaves
(a) thrown
(b) fallen
(c) cast
(d) put
Ans. c
1192. We waited until the plane _____.
(a) did not take off
(b) took off
(c) had not taken off
(d) had taken off
Ans. b
1193. I spent _____ with the patient.
(a) sometimes
(b) sometime
(c) sometime
(d) some times
Ans. c
1194. Choose the right preposition for the sentence:
She argued _____ me about the marriage.
(a) from
(b) with
(c) for
(d) to
Ans. b
1195. Choose the right preposition for the sentence.
I count _____ your help
(a) after
(b) upon
(c) for
(d) with
Ans. b
1196. Identify the correct passive form:
Open the window.
(a) Window should be opened
(b) Let the window be opened
(c) Let the window be opened by you
(d) The window must be opened
Ans. b
1197. Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom ‘Swan song’.
(a) First work
(b) Last work
(c) Middle work
(d) Early work
Ans. b
1198. Three-fourths of the work _____ finished.
(a) have been
(b) has been
(c) had
(d) were
Ans. a
(a) related : halt
(b) block : obstruct
(c) drag : procrastinate
(d) detain : dispatch
Ans. d
(a) penury : wealth
(b) chaos : disorder
(c) monarchy : republic
(d) verbosity : words
Ans. a