Subject English
1076. Choose the correct antonym of 'Sluggish'-
(a) dull
(b) animated
(c) heavy
(d) slow
Ans. b
1077. The correct spelling is -
(a) Humourous
(b) Humourious
(c) Humorous
(d) Humorious
Ans. c
1078. `Equivocation’ means -
(a) A true statement
(b) Equal opportunity to get a job
(c) Free expression of opinions
(d) Two contrary things in the same statement
Ans. d
1079. Which of the following word is not correctly spelled?
(a) Obssession
(b) Enthusiasm
(c) Insomnia
(d) Extroversion
Ans. a
Question : Each of the following sentence is incorrect.
1080. Identify the word that has been incorrectly used.
Planned a Parenthood may describe b itself as a heart organization, Real c but in it is an Ideological d outfit.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
1081. Which word is not correctly spelled in the flowing sentence?
Neither fiscal cliff a , nor any other sequester b Washington chicanery c can derail an American recovery that looks like may be hitting its strid d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. d
1082. Which of the following is a synonym of acceleration?
(a) Hastening
(b) Slackening
(c) Braking
(d) Slowing down
Ans. a
1083. Health experts say people still need moderate to vigorous exercise, which has been Shown to reduce risks of cardiovascular disease and other disorders. Which of the following is, closer in meaning to vigorous?
(a) Lethargic
(b) Sluggish
(c) Lengthy
(d) Energetic
Ans. d
1084. Which of the following sentence correctly uses punctuations?
(a) China already has three profound interests in Central Asia, in securing supplies of energy, in the land route to Europe, and in ensuring stability in its own.
(b) China already, has three profound interests in Central Asia: in securing supplies of energy, in the land route to Europe and, in ensuring stability in its own.
(c) China already has three profound interests in Central Asia-in securing supplies of energy; in the land route to Europe and, in ensuring, stability in, its own.
(d) China already has three profound interests in, Central Asia: in securing supplies of energy; the land route of Europe; and in ensuring stability in its own.
Ans. d
1085. We have recently entered ___ an agreement with Inland co-operative society?
which of the following does best fit in the blank space?
(a) no preposition
(b) upon
(c) in
(d) into
Ans. d
1086. The synonym of 'Franchise'
(a) Privilege
(b) Utility
(c) French
(d) Frankness
Ans. a
1087. Choose the correct spelling:
(a) questionere
(b) questionaire
(c) questionnaire
(d) qestioneer
Ans. c
1088. Choose the proper option to fill in blank spaces:
I prefer ___ what I like even though it ___ not having much money.
(a) to doing, mean
(b) doing, mean
(c) to do, may
(d) doing, means
Ans. d
1089. The word “Iucrative” means –
(a) profitable
(b) oil
(c) professional
(d) good looking
Ans. a
1090. Choose the correct sentence –
(a) If I found a bag In the street, I will take it to the police.
(b) If I found a bag in the street, I took it to the police.
(c) If I found a bag in the street, I'd take it to the police.
(d) If I found a bag in the street, I'II be taking it to the police.
Ans. c
1091. Find the one most nearly similar in meaning to the word "DESPISE” –
(a) Infuriate
(b) Abhor
(c) Commend
(d) Facilitate
Ans. b
1092. Find the opposite meaning of the word "TRANSPARENT"
(a) Apparent
(b) Manifest
(c) Opaque
(d) Explicit
Ans. c
1093. His poor health is the main ___ to his promotion this year.
(a) obstacle
(b) danger
(c) road block
(d) worry
Ans. a
1094. In spite of its limited ____ , the magazine had a strong ____ on political thought in the country.
(a) circulation, influence
(b) appeal, repression
(c) value, surreal
(d) dimension, intensity
Ans. a
1095. I was ____ surprised some time ago to ____ a greeting card from a stranger in Dhaka.
(a) wonderfully, present
(b) pleasantly, receive
(c) rudely, send
(d) pleasantly, accept
Ans. b
Meaning of the Underlined Word /Phrase
Instruction: Select the word/ phrase you think is closed in meaning to the word/words underlined.
1096. We have to enact strict laws to product migratory birds from hunters.
(a) Mobile
(b) native
(c) temporary
(d) nomad
(e) Nome of these
Ans. d
1097. Most of the participants did not expect the victory of a dark horse like him.
(a) a mischievous
(b) a strong person
(c) an unknown person
(d) an illiterate
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1098. Mr. Akash deals in pearls.
(a) Do business
(b) Costly
(c) Smugglings
(d) Understands
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1099. The manager looked into the matter.
(a) Take decision
(b) Investigate
(c) Neglect
(d) Taking care
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1100. As this his first job, he will have to put up with the inconvenience.
(a) endure ca
(b) adapt
(c) overcome
(d) avoid
(e) None of these
Ans. a