Subject English
1151. As the sun _____ , I decided to go out.
(a) has shone
(b) shine
(c) shines
(d) was shining
Ans. d
1152. The light have been blown _____ by the strong wind.
(a) out
(b) away
(c) up
(d) off
Ans. a
1153. If we want concrete proof, we are looking for ___ .
(a) building material
(b) something to cover a path
(c) clear evidence
(d) a cement mixer
Ans. c
1154. What is the meaning of 'White Elephant'?
(a) An elephant of white colour
(b) A hoarder
(c) A black marketer
(d) A very costly or troublesome possession
Ans. d
1155. A person who write about his own life writers___.
(a) a biography
(b) a diary
(c) a chronicle
(d) an autobiography
Ans. d
1156. A 'pilgrim' is a person who undertakes a journey to a ____.
(a) mosque
(b) new country
(c) holy place
(d) bazaar
Ans. c
1157. The correct spelling is :
(a) Humorious
(b) Humorous
(c) Humourius
(d) Humurious
Ans. b
1158. The word ‘ecological' is related to - .
(a) demography
(b) pollution
(c) atmosphere
(d) environment
Ans. d
1159. ‘Paediatric’ relates to the treatment of –
(a) adults
(b) children
(c) women
(d) old people
Ans. b
1160. I should appreciate it if you could complete this work _____ Thursday.
(a) till
(b) until
(c) up to
(d) by
Ans. d
1161. Since his retirement, Mr. Chowdhury, who was _____ a teacher, has written four novels.
(a) usually
(b) presently
(c) already
(d) formerly
Ans. d
1162. The proper function of the press is surely to _____ the man in the street with facts.
(a) equip
(b) deliver
(c) proffer
(d) provide
Ans. d
1163. I don’t mind _____ with the cooking but I am not going to was the dishes.
(a) for helping
(b) to held
(c) help
(d) helping
Ans. d
1164. I decided to go _____ with my friend as I needed some exercise.
(a) to a walk
(b) for a walk
(c) for a walking
(d) walk
Ans. b
1165. My uncle arrived while I __ the dinner.
(a) would cook
(b) had cooked
(c) cook
(d) was cooking
Ans. d
1166. My friend always goes home _____ foot.
(a) by
(b) with
(c) on a
(d) on
Ans. d
1167. We need two hundred dollars _____ this to pay for everything.
(a) as well
(b) also
(c) beside
(d) besides
Ans. d
1168. The team is _____ eleven players.
(a) made of
(b) made up of
(c) made up
(d) made
Ans. b
1169. My wife reminded me _____.
(a) of my appointment
(b) to go my appointment
(c) to my appointment
(d) my appointment
Ans. a
1170. At least one of the students _____ full marks every time.
(a) get
(b) are getting
(c) gets
(d) have got
Ans. c
1171. Please _____ the necessity of arriving early.
(a) emphasise about
(b) emphasise to
(c) emphasise on
(d) emphasise
Ans. c
1172. I don’t think you will have any difficulty _____ a driving license.
(a) to get
(b) in getting
(c) for getting
(d) get
Ans. b
1173. I thought that _____ was the last one.
(a) the most prettiest of all
(b) prettiest one of all
(c) the prettiest one from all
(d) the prettiest one of all
Ans. d
1174. The ministers arrived _____ a decision last night.
(a) to
(b) at
(c) on
(d) by
Ans. b
1175. She is beautiful but she is _____ her mother.
(a) most beautiful
(b) less beautiful
(c) as beautiful
(d) not so beautiful as
Ans. d