Subject General Knowledge
751. What is the largest man made structure of the world?
(a) PETRONAS Tower
(b) Pyramid of Giza
(c) Eiffel Tower
(d) The Great Wall of China
Ans. d
752. “The Last Supper” was painted by ----
(a) Michelangelo
(b) Raphael
(c) Botticelli
(d) Leonardo da Vinci
Ans. d
753. ISBN is related to ------
(a) TV Channel
(b) Books and Publications
(c) Green house
(d) UN peace keeping force
Ans. b
754. Shakespeare’s King Lear’ is a ----
(a) Comedy
(b) Historical play
(c) Tragedy
(d) Satire
Ans. c
755. Which country has no sea Port?
(a) Maldives
(b) Nepal
(c) Greece
(d) Venezuela
Ans. b
756. Apartheid in South Africa was concerned with—
(a) Tribal conflict
(b) Separation of black and white race
(c) Trade sanctions
(d) Freedom movement
Ans. b
757. Government fiscal policy is related to:
(a) Tax
(b) Money supply
(c) Export-Import
(d) FDI
Ans. a
758. Which of the following is a place of off-shore banking?
(a) Germany
(b) Cayman Islands
(c) India
(d) Israel
Ans. b
759. ‘ISO’ stands for
(a) international Standard Organization
(b) International Services Organization
(c) Integrated Services Organization
(d) International Standard Office
Ans. a
760. With which device are earthquakes recorded?
(a) Barometer
(b) Oscillator
(c) Voltmeter
(d) Seismograph
Ans. d
761. On which date is the World Environmental Day celebrated every year?
(a) June 5
(b) January 17
(c) August 15
(d) May 24
Ans. a
762. Which county does not have access to sea?
(a) Thailand
(b) France
(c) Japan
(d) Bhutan
Ans. d
763. The central banking system of the United States is framed by how many Federal Reserve Banks?
(a) 13
(b) 12
(c) 11
(d) 10
Ans. b
764. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is located at
(a) Geneva
(b) Rome
(c) Paris
(d) Vienna
Ans. a
765. Money market is a market for
(a) Short-term found
(b) long –term fund
(c) risk securities
(d) hedge fund
Ans. a
766. Which organization of the World Bank is known as the ‘Soft-loan window’?
(a) IBRD
(b) IFC
(c) EDI
(d) IDA
Ans. d
767. Devaluation of Taka is likely to Increase -
(a) import
(b) Trade
(c) tariff
(d) export
Ans. d
768. The name of currency of Hong Kong is:
(a) Honk Kong Yen
(b) Hong Kong Kroner
(c) Hong Kong Chingit
(d) Hong Kong Dollar
(e) None of these
Ans. d
769. Where is the headquarters of the World Bank Group located?
(a) Washington DC
(b) Zurich
(c) London
(d) Oslo
(e) Cairo
Ans. a
770. GDP stands for:
(a) Government Declared pieces
(b) Gross Domestic Product
(c) Gross Domestic Product
(d) General Data Price
(e) None of these
Ans. c
771. Largest export partner of Bangladesh is –
(a) Japan
(b) Australia
(c) Germany
(d) USA
(e) None of these
Ans. d
772. LDC stands for –
(a) Least Developed Country
(b) Last Diabetic Council
(c) Lower Divisional Court
(d) Least Diagnosed Cancer
(e) None of these
Ans. a
773. In which of the following counties literacy rate is highest?
(a) India
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Pakistan
Ans. b
774. The capital of Fiji is ----
(a) Maputo
(b) Suva
(c) Agna
(d) Nusia
Ans. b
775. ‘Diet’ is the parliament of -
(a) Armenia
(b) Sweden
(c) Japan
(d) Germany
Ans. c