Subject General Knowledge
901. One country enjoys a comparative advantage over another in producing oil when -
(a) it has more oil than the other country
(b) it can produce oil at a lower opportunity cost than the other country
(c) it does need to import oil
(d) it wants to export as much oil as possible
(e) None of these
Ans. b
902. The minimum number of partners in a private limited company is -
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 7
(d) 10
(e) None of these
Ans. b
903. Which of the following skills involves working well with other people?
(a) Technical
(b) Human
(c) Computer
(d) Empirical
(e) None of these
Ans. a
904. A product bought by final consumer for personal consumption is called ____.
(a) Consumption product
(b) Shopping product
(c) Consumer product
(d) Unsought product
(e) None of these
Ans. c
905. The financial statement that reports revenue and expenses is the:
(a) Income statement
(b) Owner’s equity statement
(c) Balance sheet
(d) Cash flow statement
(e) All of these
Ans. a
906. Which one of the following sectors got the highest allocation for expenditure in Bangladesh’s national budget 2013-14?
(a) Agriculture
(b) Defense
(c) Public Administration
(d) Health
(e) None of these
Ans. c
907. To which sport is name ‘Usain Bolt’ related?
(a) Rughy
(b) Athletics
(c) Baseball
(d) Basketball
(e) None of these
Ans. b
908. In regard to noble prize, which one of the following is not true?
(a) Malala Yusufzai is the sixteenth woman noble prize winner
(b) Malala Yusufzai is a noble prize winner in peace
(c) Malala Yusufzai is a noble prize winner in education
(d) Malala Yusufzai is the youngest noble prize winner
Ans. c
909. ‘Ebola’ has not spread out in epidemic form in which of the following countries?
(a) Liberia
(b) Sierra Leon
(c) Guinea
(d) Nigeria
Ans. d
910. In terms of GDP, which one of the following is the largest economy?
(a) USA
(b) UK
(c) China
(d) Australia
Ans. c
911. Which of the following companies has issued largest ever IPO in capital market?
(a) Google
(b) Ali Baba
(c) Microsoft
(d) Black Berry
Ans. b
912. Which of the following countries in the highest emitter of CO?
(a) China
(b) UK
(c) USA
(d) Germany
Ans. a
913. The foreign exchange reserve of Bangladesh Bank at this moment is at record level. What is the level?
(a) $20+ billion
(b) $21+ billion
(c) $22+ billion
(d) $23+ billion
Ans. c
914. Which one of the following is not a central bank?
(a) State Bank of Pakistan
(b) Central Bank of Sri Lanka
(c) Central Bank of India
(d) Bank of England
Ans. c
915. Which sport is associated with the Davis Cup?
(a) Football
(b) Tennis
(c) Cricket
(d) Horse Racing
Ans. b
916. Which of the following is an affiliate of the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development?
(a) IDA
(b) UNDP
(d) IMF
Ans. a
917. Which of the following is grown from stem cuttings?
(a) Banana
(b) Maize
(c) Turmeric
(d) Sugarcane
Ans. d
918. Which of the following is not a contagious disease?
(a) Mumps
(b) Small Pox
(c) Tuberculosis
(d) Typhoid
Ans. d
919. Where does Rakhain tribe mainly live?
(a) Rangamati
(b) Bandarban
(c) Patuakhali
(d) Rajshahi
Ans. c
920. Which one of the following is ‘legal tender money’?
(a) Cheque
(b) Credit Card
(c) Coins
(d) Debit Card
Ans. c
921. মিয়ানমার এর রাজধানীর বর্তমান নাম কি?
(a) রেঙ্গুন
(b) ইয়ঙ্গুন
(c) আকিয়াব
(d) রিয়াদ
922. ফিলিপাইনের মুদ্রার নাম কী?
(a) বাথ
(b) ইয়েন
(c) রিংগিট
(d) পেসো
Ans. d
923. “মনপুরা ৭০” কি?
(a) একটি উপজেলা
(b) একটি নদী বন্দর
(c) একটি উপন্যাস
(d) একটি চিত্রশিল্প
Ans. d
924. শান্তির জন্য প্রথম কোন মহিলা নোবেল পুরস্কার পান?
(a) আলভা মায়ার ডাল
(b) অংসান সুচী
(c) শিরিন এবাদি
(d) মাদার তেরেসা
Ans. d
925. In the CAMELS bank rating system, the letter 'A' stand for:
(a) Average quality
(b) Asset quality
(c) Adequate quality
(d) Annual quantity
Ans. b