Subject General Knowledge
851. Which of the following is the number one natural wonder of the world?
(a) ha long bay
(b) table mountain
(c) iguazo waterfalls
(d) amazon rainforests
(e) commodo national park
Ans. c
852. What do GATS stands for
(a) General Agreement on Trade Supplies
(b) General Agreement of Trade and Services
(c) General Agreement on Tariff and Services
(d) General Agreement on Trade and Subsidies
(e) General Agreement on Trade supplements
Ans. b
853. Which of the following is the main function of a brokerage house in the stock market?
(a) providing advices to the investors
(b) creating a platform for burying and giving loans to them
(c) taking deposits from investors and giving loans to them
(d) helping investors in planning portfolios
(e) raising voice in the interest of investors
Ans. b
854. What is the basic function of an insurance policy?
(a) protection against risks
(b) investigation of risks
(c) diversification of risks
(d) alleviation of risks
(e) combination of risks
Ans. a
855. Which one is the unit of measuring weights of crude oil?
(a) ounce
(b) kg
(c) liter
(d) gallon
(e) barrel
Ans. e
856. The designation of the Head of the IMF is
(a) chairman
(b) managing director
(c) governor
(d) ceo
(e) president
Ans. b
857. How many times Rafael Nadal has won the ‘French Open’ in Tenis?
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 6
(e) 8
Ans. e
858. The headquarter of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is located at which of the following places?
(a) Geneva
(b) Rome
(c) Paris
(d) Vienna
(e) Brussels
Ans. a
859. The capital city and the currency of Poland are respectively
(a) Warsaw, Euro
(b) Poznan, Euro
(c) Lublin, Zloty
(d) Katowice, Zloty
(e) Warsaw, Zloty
Ans. e
860. Anne Frank wrote her world-famous dairy during the Second World War hiding in
(a) Germany
(b) Holland
(c) England
(d) Poland
(e) Austria
Ans. b
861. Ozone depletion is caused by
(a) Carbon monoxides
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Chlorofluorocarbon
(d) Mercuric Oxide
(e) Ethylene
Ans. c
862. Which of the following is world’s top retailer?
(a) Wal-Mart (USA)
(b) Carrefour (France)
(c) Reliance (India)
(d) Kroger (USA)
(e) Aeon Co. Ltd (Japan)
Ans. a
863. What is ‘Super 301’?
(a) Name of modern computer
(b) A new variety of wheat
(c) American Trade Law
(d) A new vaccine for AIDS
(e) A racing competition
Ans. c
864. A Biologist specializing in the study of insects is called
(a) an herpetologist
(b) a paleontologist
(c) an entomologist
(d) an ornithologist
(e) an ichthyologist
Ans. c
865. ‘Greenback’ is the popular name of which country’s currency?
(a) Norway
(b) Switzerland
(c) Newzeland
(d) U. K.
(e) U. S. A.
Ans. e
866. The most ancient historical place of Bangladesh is
(a) Paharpur
(b) Mohasthangrah
(c) Sonargaon
(d) Moynamoti
(e) Bikrampur
Ans. b
867. The goal of a pure market economy is to best meet the desires of
(a) citizens
(b) government
(c) business
(d) customers
(e) workers
Ans. d
868. The Chittagong Stock Exchange was established in
(a) 1990
(b) 1993
(c) 1995
(d) 1998
(e) 1999
Ans. c
869. Which of the following is the apex body of the private sector business community in Bangladesh?
(a) DCCI
(c) DSE
(e) Appex International
Ans. b
870. Which of the following are government issued currencies?
(a) One and Two Taka notes and coins
(b) One, Two and Five notes and coins
(c) Ten, Twenty and Fifty Taka notes and coins
(d) 100 and 500 Taka notes
(e) 1000 Taka notes
Ans. a
871. The act adopted for prevention of use and transfer of money illegally is called
(a) Illegal Money Transfer Act
(b) Money Laundering Prevention Act
(c) Improper Money Use and Transfer Act
(d) Money Use and Transfer Act
(e) Money Laundering Act
Ans. b
872. The Geneva Convention deals with
(a) women’s rights
(b) peace and conflict
(c) international trade
(d) arms trafficking
(e) conduct of war
Ans. b
873. What does BIA stand for?
(a) Bangladesh insurance Association
(b) Bank for international Assistance
(c) Bangladesh insurance Authority
(d) Board of investment Act
(e) Bangladesh insurance Academy
Ans. ae
874. Which of the following locations has been proposed for establishment of IT Village of Bangladesh?
(a) Rajshi
(b) Jessore
(c) Comilla
(d) Chittagong
(e) Barisal
Ans. b
875. Which of the following is the largest trading block in the world?
(c) EU
(d) WTO
Ans. c