Subject General Knowledge
976. Which of the following institution was created due to language movement?
(a) University of Dhaka
(b) Bangla Academy
(c) Asiatic Society
(d) Nazrul Institute
Ans. b
977. Which one is not direct tax?
(a) Income tax
(b) Wealth tax
(c) VAT
(d) All of these
Ans. c
978. The shortest day (longest night) in the southern hemisphere is -
(a) June 21
(b) December 21
(c) December 22
(d) June 20
Ans. a
979. The Suez Canal connects the -
(a) Baltic sea and the Caspian sea
(b) Mediterranean sea and the Red sea
(c) Red sea and the Caspian sea
(d) Mediterranean sea and the North sea
Ans. b
980. What percentage of atmosphere is Nitrogen?
(a) 21%
(b) 20.95%
(c) 78.09%
(d) 0.93%
Ans. c
981. Which of the following climate characteristics is related to tropical countries?
(a) Low pressure through the year
(b) Most of the rain comes in winter
(c) Very high daily range of temperature
(d) Very low daily range of temperature
Ans. a
982. The number of UN member countries is -
(a) 193
(b) 195
(c) 189
(d) 191
Ans. a
983. BIMSTEC stands for -
(a) Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand Economic Cooperation
(b) Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand Economic Cooperation
(c) Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sectorial Technical and Economic Cooperation
(d) Bay of Bengal Integration of Multi-Cultural Scientific, Technical and Eco-Friendly Center.
Ans. c
984. The next Olympic games is scheduled to be held in 2012 in -
(a) China
(b) UK
(c) Greece
(d) South Korea
Ans. b
985. Which of the following is not a part of the World Bank Group?
(a) IDA
(b) IMF
(c) IBRD
(d) IFC
Ans. b
986. The Capital of Namibia is -
(a) Pretoria
(b) Windhoek
(c) Kotabi
(d) Karabo
Ans. b
987. The second Nobel, Laureate is Asia was -
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) Amartya Sen
(c) C.V. Raman
(d) S. Chandrashekhar
Ans. c
988. Tipaimukeh Dam is located in which of the following state of India?
(a) Assam
(b) Manipur
(c) Mizoram
(d) Kerala
Ans. b
989. Euro Currency was introduced in Europe from -
(a) 1997
(b) 1998
(c) 1999
(d) 2000
Ans. b
990. Which city in the world is located in two continents?
(a) Cairo
(b) Paris
(c) Istambul
(d) Casablanca
Ans. c
991. The old name of Switzerland is -
(a) Helvetia
(b) Rhodesia
(c) Deutschland
(d) Salisbury
Ans. a
992. Banks were first started in the world in -
(a) Italy
(b) Greece
(c) USA
(d) UK
Ans. d
993. Famous tourist Ibne Batuta was the citizen of -
(a) Italy
(b) Tibet
(c) Morocco
(d) Greece
Ans. c
994. The state language of Monaco is -
(a) English
(b) France
(c) Italian
(d) Spanish
Ans. b
995. AP is the press media of -
(a) USA
(b) Pakistan
(c) Australia
(d) France
Ans. a
996. উইমবলডন কোন খেলার জন্য বিখ্যাত?
(a) ফুটবল
(b) টেনিস
(c) ক্রিকেট
(d) গলফ
Ans. b
997. মাদ্রিদ কোন দেশের রাজধানী?
(a) স্পেন
(b) বেলজিয়াম
(c) ফ্রান্স
(d) ইতালী
Ans. a
998. জাতিসংঘের খাদ্য ও কৃষি সংস্থার প্রধান কার্যালয় অবস্থিত -
(a) নিউইয়র্ক
(b) লন্ডন
(c) রোম
(d) ব্যাংকক
Ans. c
999. The country which ranks second in terms of land area is:
(a) China
(b) Canada
(c) Russia
(d) USA
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1000. The Japanese call their country:
(a) Nipun
(b) Osaka
(c) Nippon
(d) Toyta
(e) None of these
Ans. c