Subject English
1326. Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be” is quoted from –
(a) Othello
(b) Macbeth
(c) Hamlet
(d) Henry VII
Ans. c
In each of the following questions, pick up the choice which is most opposite in meaning of the word italicized bold in the sentence.
1327. Like poverty, affluence can sometimes create its own problems.
(a) sorrow
(b) indigence
(c) exuberance
(d) opulence
Ans. b
1328. On hearing the news he was in a state of ecstasy .
(a) depression
(b) pain
(c) disappointment
(d) trance
Ans. a
1329. His frivolous remarks provoked to comments.
(a) serious
(b) momentous
(c) frantic
(d) fanciful
Ans. a
1330. He proved utterly capricious in his dealings with his friends.
(a) helpful
(b) steadfast
(c) understanding
(d) obstinate
Ans. b
1331. Everything about him, his talkative nature, proclaims his effeminacy .
(a) boorishness
(b) manliness
(c) aggressiveness
(d) attractiveness
Ans. b
1332. He tames animals because he ...
(a) seldom loves them
(b) is afraid of them
(c) is fond of them
(d) hates them
(e) wants to set them free
Ans. c
1333. I do not know the time ...
(a) at watch the accident happened
(b) the accident happened
(c) when the accident happened
(d) when the accident had happened
Ans. c
1334. Which ever way you approach the problem ...
(a) no one will not solve it
(b) it will not be solve
(c) it will not solve
(d) it will not be solved
Ans. d
1335. When I met her last year ...
(a) she had married since five years
(b) she had been married for five years
(c) she was married five years ago
(d) she had been married since five years.
Ans. b
1336. To succeed in a difficult task ...
(a) One needs to be persistence
(b) persistent in needed
(c) you need a person of persistent
(d) one needs to be persistent
(e) persistent is what one needs.
Ans. d
choose the one which can be best substituted for the given words or sentence.
1337. One whose attitude is: 'eat, drink and be merry'
(a) Epicurean
(b) Cynic
(c) Materialistic
(d) Stoic
Ans. a
1338. Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others
(a) Sadism
(b) Malevolence
(c) Bigotry
(d) Masochism
Ans. a
1339. One who pretends illness to escape duty
(a) Truant
(b) Malingerer
(c) Hypocrite
(d) Concubine
Ans. a
1340. Use of more words than are needed to express the meaning
(a) Circumlocution
(b) Verbatim
(c) Ventriloquism
(d) Pleonasm
Ans. a
1341. The science of judging a person's character, capabilities etc. from an examination of the shape of his skull
(a) Physiology
(b) Anthropology
(c) Phrenology
(d) Morphology
Ans. c
In each of the following question, choose the alternative which can best improve the given sentence by substituting the bold italicized portion. If the sentence is correct as it is, choose "No improvement" or "No Correction required" as your answer.
1342. Because of his mastery in this field, his suggestions are wide accepted.
(a) are widely accepted
(b) are wide acceptance
(c) have widely accepted
(d) have been wide accepted
(e) No correction required
Ans. a
1343. Having had in the Foreign Services for a long time, Mr. Karim has met many prominent personalities.
(a) Having
(b) He has been
(c) Having been
(d) Had be been
(e) No correction required
Ans. a
1344. No sooner he reached home than all the villagers gathered at his home to listen to his story.
(a) Would he reach
(b) did he reach
(c) had he reached
(d) No improvement
Ans. c
1345. I do not think I should tell you over and over again that my families are early rises.
(a) my family members are early risers
(b) my family is an early riser
(c) my family are an early riser
(d) No correction required
Ans. a
1346. Little that I knew of the English language, was not sufficient to make me a teacher of English.
(a) Very little
(b) The little
(c) A little
(d) No improvement
Ans. a
1347. The analogy of SEDATIVE : DROWSINESS is :
(a) epidemic : contagiousness
(b) vaccine : virus
(c) laxative : drug
(d) anesthetic : numberless
(e) therapy : psychiatrist
Ans. d
1348. The analogy of CURIOSITY: KNOW is:
(a) temptation :conquer
(b) starvation : eat
(c) wanderlust : travel
(d) humor : laugh
(e) survival : live
Ans. c
1349. The analogy of POISON : ANTIDOTE is :
(a) lethargy : tonic
(b) recovery : cure
(c) sleep : narcotic
(d) relapse : stimulant
(e) breathing : resuscitation
Ans. a
1350. The antonym of DIFFUSE is:
(a) contend
(b) concentrate
(c) imply
(d) pretend
(e) rebel
Ans. b