Subject English
Each of the following consists of a word or phrase which is italicised bold in the sentence given. It is followed by certain words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the italicised bold word or phrase.
1401. His punctuality and regularity propitiates everyone with whom he deals.
(a) depresses
(b) excites
(c) enrages
(d) appeases
Ans. c
1402. The members of the opposition party made derogatory remarks about the policies of the government.
(a) praiseworthy
(b) laudatory
(c) respectable
(d) admirable
Ans. b
1403. The habit of squandering money should not be encouraged.
(a) saving
(b) collecting
(c) hoarding
(d) discarding
Ans. a
1404. The fifteenth century witnessed an era of renaissance in Europe.
(a) pestilence
(b) decadence
(c) immorality
(d) prehistory
Ans. b
The following passages consist of six sentences. The first (S1) and the sixth (S6) sentences are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in the passages have been jumbled up. These are labeled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find out proper sequence for these four sentences P, Q, R and S.
1405. S1. Those are fortunate people who have good, true and faithful friends.
S6. It must be borne in mind that prosperity breeds and multiplies friends and adversity tests them.
P. It is a sacred attachment or a bond of intimacy between two persons of congenial mind.
Q. True friendship increases our happiness in prosperity and diminishes our misery in adversity.
R. Friendship often springs from similarity of taste, feelings and sentiments.
S. However, true friendship should be based on truth and such vices as selfishness, greed and falsehood should be kept out of it.
The proper sequence should be-
(a) QRPS
(b) PQRS
(c) RPQS
(d) SPRQ
Ans. c
1406. S1. The press enables us to know about the world and happening around us.
S6. While mounding it mends and mending it moulds the public opinion.
P. It governs the current ideas in a country and controls the course of events.
Q. There is no doubt that the newspaper is the only teacher of the common man.
R. It is indeed the mouthpiece of the people.
S. It is feared that in the absence of the press, government would be less responsible, the judge less honest and civil servant less efficient.
The proper sequence should be-
(a) SRPQ
(b) RSQP
(c) PQRS
(d) QPSR
Ans. b
1407. S1.Our ancestors thought that anything which moved itself was alive.
S6. Therefore some scientists think that life is just a very complicated mechanism.
P. The philosopher Descartes thought that both men and animals were machines.
Q. But a machine such as a motorcar or a steamship moves itself, and as soon as machines which moved themselves had been made, people asked, “Is man a machine”?
R. And before the days of machinery that was a good definition.
S. He also thought that the human machine was partly controlled by the soul action on a certain part of the brain, while animals had no souls.
The proper sequence should be-
(a) PRSQ
(b) RPQS
(c) PSQR
(d) RQPS
Ans. b
Each sentence below has four underlined parts having words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Identify one of the underlined parts that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence needs no correction, the answer E is to be marked.
1408. The house owners forget that even a so simple a matter b as cleaning and maintaining c a lawn affects ecology and should not be neglected d . No error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. e
1409. Some artists have taken a clue a from medieval miniatures. Our epics and mythology, b and created works which please c with their acute color sense and skilful handing d . No error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. a
1410. It was apparent to everyone present a that he would die b if he doesn’t receive c timely help d . No error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. c
1411. Neither of the plans a suits him and therefore b he decided not to c go out yesterday d . No error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. b
Select the correct word or which almost opposite in meaning to the word.
1412. Ally
(a) Enemy
(b) Beautiful
(c) Answer below
(d) Conduct
Ans. a
1413. Bend
(a) Right
(b) Tough
(c) Elegant
(d) Straight
Ans. d
1414. Blunt
(a) Sharp
(b) Tripple
(c) Triple
(d) Select
Ans. a
1415. Bless
(a) Waste
(b) Curse
(c) Tamarind
(d) House
Ans. b
1416. Borrow
(a) Lend
(b) Youth
(c) Yield
(d) Produce
Ans. a
Choose the correct pair of words that are similar meaning of the given pair of words.
1417. Month : March
(a) Play : Shakespeare
(b) Cinema : Name
(c) Noble : Title
(d) City : Tokyo
Ans. d
1418. Bench : Stool
(a) Room : Veranda
(b) Cup : Saucer
(c) Yardstick : Foot rule
(d) Table : Cupboard
Ans. c
1419. Money : Misappropriation
(a) Writing : Plagiarism
(b) Gold : Theft
(c) Confidence : Deception
(d) Germ : Diseases
Ans. a
1420. Tooth : Gum
(a) Chest : Ribs
(b) Bone : Joint
(c) Heart : Aorta
(d) Eye : Socket
Ans. d
1421. Diamond : Necklace
(a) Cars : Roads
(b) Flowers : Bouquet
(c) Gold : Bangle
(d) Books : Shop
Ans. b
1422. _______ rather we should always see what is remaining to be done.
(a) We should never see what has been done.
(b) We should never look at the things that are done.
(c) We should look at the things that are done.
(d) The things are done should not be overlooked.
Ans. a
1423. ______ after hearing the news of Amy coming first in the class.
(a) All the members in the family were shocked
(b) The news shocked the whole family
(c) The whole family was shocked
(d) All the family was under a shock Subject
Ans. a
1424. Through the dreams have been a great topic of research and a subject of truth-seeking and _______ spiritual interest since the historic times ______.
(a) We are still unable to find out the definite purpose and content of dreams
(b) Bothe the content and purpose of dreams are not understood definitively
(c) The purpose and content of dreams is still very much unclear
(d) We are still unable to find definite purpose and content of dreams
Ans. b
1425. In reply to the rising public interest in the internet, Microsoft makes an add-on to the operating classification which is also ___ as web browser.
(a) Report
(b) Helping
(c) Known
(d) Operating
Ans. c