Subject English
1251. The Parthenon is said _____ erected in the Age of Pericles.
(a) to have become
(b) to have begun
(c) to have been
(d) to have had begun
Ans. c
1252. As they waited, Rahim argued against war ‒
(a) while his brother discusses the effects of pollution
(b) while his brother discussed the effects of pollution
(c) while his brother was discussing the effects of pollution
(d) while his brother had discussed the effects of pollution
Ans. c
1253. The Olympic games were watched by _____ billions of people all over the world.
(a) exactly
(b) usually
(c) truly
(d) literally
Ans. b
1254. The tree has been blown _____ by the strong wind.
(a) off
(b) away
(c) up
(d) out
Ans. b
1255. A reward has been announced for the employees who _____ hard.
(a) have worked
(b) has worked
(c) will be work
(d) have had worked
Ans. a
1256. To _____ the arrival of spring, Bangladesh Television _____ a special function.
(a) commemorate : launched
(b) announce : telecast
(c) celebrate : organized
(d) welcome : sanctioned
Ans. c
(a) Intrude
(b) Transgress
(c) Purloin
(d) Invade
Ans. b
(a) Opening
(b) Pamphlet
(c) Bureau
(d) censor
Ans. b
(a) Not deceptive
(b) Not certain
(c) Not obvious
(d) Not coherent
Ans. b
(a) stenographer : typewriter
(b) seamstress : scissors
(c) painter : brush
(d) lawyer : brief
Ans. b
1261. FIRE : ASHES-
(a) Accident : delay
(b) Water : waves
(c) Event : memories
(d) Wood : splinters
Ans. c
(a) gulp : sip
(b) confide : tell
(c) scorn : admire
(d) participate : observe
Ans. a
Each sentence below has two blanks. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole:
1263. Although a few years ago the fundamental fact about the Milky Way seemed fairly well _____ now even its mass and radius have come into _____.
(a) diminished __ disrepute
(b) determined __ resolution
(c) ignored __ danger
(d) established __ question
Ans. d
1264. A __ statement is an __ comparison; it does not compare things explicitly,but suggest a likeness between them.
(a) sarcastic-unfair
(b) metaphorical-implied
(c) sanguine-inherent
(d) blatant-overt
Ans. d
1265. If a ruby is heated it ___ temporarily loose its color.
(a) will
(b) would
(c) has
(d) does
Ans. a
1266. Prices for bicycles can run ____ T.k 2,000.00
(a) as high as
(b) so high as
(c) as high to
(d) as high for
Ans. a
1267. A seventeen year old is not ___ to vote in an election.
(a) old enough
(b) as old enough
(c) enough old
(d) enough old as
Ans. a
1268. Because she had a reputation for _____ we were surprised and pleased when she greeted us so _____
(a) insolence-irately
(b) insouciance-cordially
(c) arrogance-disdainfully
(d) querulousness - affably
Ans. d
Find the alternative that is closest in Meaning:
1269. By and large:
(a) Very large
(b) Mostly
(c) Everywhere
(d) Far away
(e) Very far away
Ans. c
1270. In black and white:
(a) Not colorful
(b) Ugly
(c) Simple
(d) In writing
(e) Plain
Ans. d
1271. a. He took insult at my words
(a) Not colorful
(b) He took offense at my words
(c) He took offense for my words
(d) He took offense on my words
(e) He took offense by my words
Ans. b
1272. a. I have great aversion in gambling
(a) Not colorful
(b) I have great aversion to gambling
(c) I have great aversion about gambling
(d) I have great aversion for gambling
(e) I have great aversion about gambling
Ans. b
1273. a. Rahim prevented me on my going there
(a) Not colorful
(b) Rahim prevented on my going there
(c) Rahim prevented me from going there
(d) Rahim prevented me in going there
(e) Rahim prevented me to go there
Ans. c
1274. a. I heard him saying so
(a) Not colorful
(b) I heard him says so
(c) I heard him say so
(d) I heard him to say so
(e) I heard him so saying
Ans. a
1275. The play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written by:
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) William Shakespeare
(c) Jane Austen
(d) Michael Modhusudon
(e) Arthour Miller
Ans. b