Subject English
Rearrange the following six sentence in proper Sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below:
1. Its current was very powerful and could take away big tree trunks.
2. There were some children, playing on the bank of the waterway.
3. In the forest of Sonagaji there is a big lake.
4. The excess water started flowing forcefully through the waterway.
5. Once there was a very heavy rain because of which the lake started overflowing.
6. A poor man noticed it and rushed to save them.
The above six sentence in proper sequence:
1501. Which of the following should be the fourth sentence?
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 2
(e) 1
Ans. e
Select the word, which most appropriatley fills in the gap in each sentence.
1502. Some people believe that money is the primary ____ that drives individuals.
(a) effect
(b) issue
(c) aspect
(d) motivator
(e) sources
Ans. d
1503. It is a stereotyping ____ that all people prefer basketball as a sport over all others.
(a) belief
(b) information
(c) fact
(d) reality
(e) truth
Ans. a
1504. Frankly, I find it too ___ a situation for him to have berated his child like that.
(a) insignificant
(b) grave
(c) acute
(d) delicate
(e) sensitive
Ans. a
1505. He ___ pursued the implementation of the project.
(a) arrogantly
(b) absolutely
(c) doggedly
(d) instinctively
(e) increasingly
Ans. c
1506. It is an old ___ that says ‘Only the wearer known where the shoe pinches’.
(a) belief
(b) perception
(c) person
(d) notion
(e) adage
Ans. e
Select the word that best expresses the underline word in each sentence.
1507. Every individual is responsible for upholding the moral of society.
(a) developing
(b) judging
(c) keeping up
(d) marinating
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1508. You can reach your goal only when you aspire .
(a) aim high
(b) attempt it
(c) try
(d) dream
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1509. Read the abridged version of the novel to get an overall idea of the book.
(a) Summarized
(b) condensed
(c) critique’s
(d) accurate
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1510. In comparison to be the history of the world, human life is very transient.
(a) Meaningless
(b) poignant
(c) short-lived
(d) arbitrary
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1511. Employers look for agility in workers in small part production plants.
(a) dexterity
(b) flexibility
(c) liveliness
(d) alertness
(e) None of these
Ans. d
A related pair of words or phrases is followed by five options. Select an option that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
(a) Introvert : Sociable
(b) Work : Toil
(c) Novice : Veteran
(d) Stubborn :Inflexible
(e) None of these
Ans. d
(a) Facts : Establish
(b) Illustration : justify
(c) Data : Measure
(d) Fortification Defend
(e) Weapon : Attack
Ans. d
(a) fun : Enjoyment
(b) Collection : Set
(c) Theft : Law
(d) Robbery : Police
(e) Misdeed :Penalty
Ans. e
(a) Reap : Autumn
(b) Grow : Field
(c) Plant : Yield
(d) Crop : Seed
(e) Spread : Seed
Ans. c
Identifying correct Sentence
From each set sentences/phrases, select the correct option.
1516. SET 1
(a) It is further from here.
(b) it is still further from here
(c) what you say is fur from truth
(d) it is far from here
(e) None of these
Ans. d
1517. SET 2
(a) Beside being clever, she is very perceptive
(b) Beside being clever, she is very perceptive
(c) Beside beings clever, she is also perceptive
(d) Aside being clever, she is very perceptive
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1518. SET 3
(a) It is neither true nor valid
(b) it is not true and nor valid
(c) It is nor true and definitely not valid
(d) It is neither true or valid
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1519. SET 4
(a) You have achieve much more than expected
(b) You achieved much more then expected
(c) You have achieved much have more than what we expected
(d) You have achieved more than what we expected.
(e) None of these
Ans. d
1520. SET 5
(a) Actions speak louder than words
(b) An action speak louder than words
(c) The actions speak much louder than words
(d) Action speak louder than words
(e) None of these
Ans. a
Select the word that best matches the definition provided
1521. Systematic Killing of a racial or cultural group =
(a) Regicide
(b) Patricide
(c) Genocide
(d) Homicide
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1522. A mournful poem written on the death of someone loved and lost =
(a) Homage
(b) Ode
(c) Saga
(d) Elegy
(e) None of these
Ans. d
1523. Longing for something past =
(a) Heuristic
(b) Nostalgia
(c) Outdated
(d) Pastille
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1524. An inclination to do kind of charitable acts =
(a) Deference
(b) Besmirch
(c) Benevolence
(d) Honorary
(e) None of these
Ans. c
Fill in the gaps
Select the word(s)/phrase(s) that appropriately fill in the gaps in each sentence.
1525. These flowers are ____ to Bangladesh because these are not found here.
(a) Indigenous
(b) ingenuous
(c) fluent
(d) exigent
(e) None of these
Ans. a