Subject English
Find the alternative that is closest in Meaning:
1276. Which one of the following is the singular form of the word ‘Alumni’?
(a) Alumnus
(b) Alumnae
(c) Alumnies
(d) Alumnum
(e) Alumni’s
Ans. a
1277. Which one of the following is the plural form of the word ‘Hypothesis’?
(a) Hypothesizes
(b) Hypotheses
(c) Hypothesis
(d) Hypothesus
(e) Hypothesis
Ans. b
1278. The correct passive form of ‘Rice sells cheap’ is:
(a) Rice is being sold cheap
(b) Rice is selling cheap
(c) Rice is cheap when it is sold
(d) Rice is sold Cheap
(e) Rice is cheap when it is being sold
Ans. c
Find the best alternative to fill up the blank:
1279. My uncle arrived while I ___ the dinner.
(a) would cook
(b) had cooked
(c) cook
(d) was cooking
(e) cooking
Ans. d
1280. You should ___ swimming.
(a) start up
(b) get up
(c) get off
(d) take up
(e) take off
Ans. e
1281. The president assented ___ the bill.
(a) at
(b) by
(c) to
(d) into
(e) with
Ans. c
1282. The antonym of the word ‘extrinsic’ is:
(a) plenty
(b) extreme
(c) behind
(d) internal
(e) outside
Ans. d
1283. Find the synonym of the word ‘Remote’:
(a) automatic
(b) distant
(c) savage
(d) mean
(e) great
Ans. b
1284. ‘Hoard’ is s synonym of-
(a) stove
(b) collection
(c) stock
(d) all of the above
Ans. b
1285. What is meaning the word ‘Primafacie’?
(a) out look
(b) face reading
(c) at the first sight
(d) face to face
Ans. c
1286. It is difficult to find a ___ in this country at present.
(a) work
(b) career
(c) profession
(d) job
Ans. d
1287. Give me a telephone number to ring ___ I get lost
(a) in case
(b) whether
(c) unless
(d) perhaps
Ans. a
1288. Choose the correct spelling.
(a) archelogy
(b) arkelogy
(c) arkeology
(d) archeology
Ans. b
1289. ‘Corpus’ means –
(a) a dead body
(b) a collection of written texts
(c) red or white cells in blood
(d) one of the technical brances of an army
Ans. b
1290. I know better. The underlined word is –
(a) adjective
(b) preposition
(c) noun
(d) adverb
Ans. d
1291. If you red, you will learn. This sentence is a -
(a) simple sentence
(b) complex sentence
(c) compound sentence
(d) Negative sentence
Ans. b
1292. ‘A fish out of water’ means?
(a) Undescribable
(b) Uneasy state
(c) aimlssly
(d) stop
Ans. b
1293. Who, which what are -
(a) Demonstrative
(b) Relative pronoun
(c) Interrogative pronoun
(d) Both
Ans. b
1294. A person of ___ age may suffer from defects vision.
(a) every
(b) any
(c) certain
(d) some
Ans. b
1295. The children studied in a class room ___ windows were never opened.
(a) that
(b) which
(c) where
(d) some
Ans. d
1296. The synonym of 'notion' is:
(a) truth
(b) lmpression
(c) faith
(d) fact
(e) actually
Ans. b
1297. “The antonym of 'native' is:
(a) local
(b) congenial
(c) intrinsic
(d) inborn
(e) alien
Ans. e
1298. The synonym of 'reprimand' is:
(a) assume
(b) rebuke
(c) reward
(d) revive
(e) remand
Ans. b
1299. The antonym of 'preserve' is:
(a) protect
(b) secure
(c) measure
(d) defend
(e) ruin
Ans. e
1300. He is the black sheep of the society.
(a) gentle animal
(b) winner
(c) bad character
(d) lazy boy
(e) strange man
Ans. c