Subject English
Fill in the gaps
Select the word(s)/phrase(s) that appropriately fill in the gaps in each sentence.
1526. I put the camera ____ a tripod so I can take a steady picture.
(a) by
(b) above
(c) in
(d) on
(e) None of these
Ans. d
1527. It is not difficult to ____ an alarm clock.
(a) Soothe
(b) disassemble
(c) Fort
(d) manual
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1528. The committee chairperson become so forceful, so ___ in his expression of opinions that committee members began to leave the meeting.
(a) dormant
(b) credible
(c) dogmatic
(d) lucid
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1529. The teacher would understand it if you _____ it to him more slowly.
(a) would explain
(b) had explained
(c) explain
(d) explained
(e) None of these
Ans. d
In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. If there is no mistake, the answer is no error.
1530. Some sports fans prefer watching the news to newspapers because a they b get the Highlights, without having to search c for d the information. No error e .
(a) to newspapers because
(b) they
(c) the Highlights
(d) to search
(e) No error.
Ans. a
1531. Whether a self government is to be retained b by the country. Voters must go c to polls to defeat the new deceptive d proposition. No error e .
(a) Whether
(b) To be retained
(c) Must go
(d) New deceptive
(e) No error
Ans. a
1532. He worked very hard a in order to provide b for their c family’s comfort d . No error e .
(a) very hard
(b) to provide
(c) their
(d) comfort
(e) No error
Ans. c
1533. Some women a have made a clear-cut choice b between a career and motherhood; other has been creating c a balance between d the two. No error e .
(a) Some women
(b) Clear cut choice
(c) been creating
(d) balance between
(e) No error
Ans. e
Each of the questions below consists of a related pair of words, followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that best expresses the relationship. Similar to that expressed in the original pair.
(a) Poet : Sonnet
(b) Director : Movie
(c) Conductor : Cure
(d) Actor : Comedy
Ans. a
(a) Victim : attend
(b) Wound : Heal
(c) Diagnosis : Cure
(d) Antidote : Counteract
Ans. a
(a) Repent : sin
(b) Detect : Violation
(c) Forgive : Wrong
(d) Sentence : Crime
Ans. c
(a) Clothes: Shoes
(b) Thread: Spindle
(c) Archives: Records
(d) Catalogue: Shelves
Ans. e
(a) Reject: Disapprove
(b) Affirm: Spindle
(c) Endorse: Ratify
(d) Acknowledge: recognize
Ans. d
A bank space is given in the following sentence. For each blank space four alternatives are given. Choose the most appropriate one for that blank space.
1539. Success comes to those who are vigilant not to permit ___ from the chosen path.
(a) diversion
(b) deviation
(c) Obstruction
(d) distraction
Ans. b
1540. His actions had ___ pain and suffering on thousands of people.
(a) deplored
(b) eliminated
(c) affected
(d) inflicted
Ans. d
1541. I have a profound respect for his political ___.
(a) personality
(b) ambition
(c) temperament
(d) sagacity
Ans. d
1542. The man who is ___ hesitating which of the two things he will do first, will do neither.
(a) Persistently
(b) constantly
(c) consistently
(d) sagacity
Ans. b
1543. Experts fail to understands the ___ behind the decision to move coal by road when there is enough rail capacity in this sector.
(a) ideology
(b) judgment
(c) rationale
(d) politics
Ans. d
Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
The object underlying the rules of natural justice is to prevent miscarriage of justice and secure fair play in action. As pointed out earlier the requirement about quasi –judicial functions achieves this object by excluding chances of arbitrariness and ensuring a degree of fairness in the process of decision-making. Keeping in view the expanding horizon of the principles of natural justice, we are of the opinion that the requirement to record reason can be regarded as one of the principles of natural justice which govern exercise of power by administrative authorities. The rules of natural’s justice are not embodied rules. The extent of their application depends upon the particular statutory framework where under jurisdiction has been conferred on the administrative authority. With regard to the exercise of a particular power by an administrative authority including exercise of judicial or quasi-judicial functions the legislature, While conferring the said power, may feel that it would not be in the larger public interest that the reasons for the order passed by the administrative authority be recorded in the order and be communicated to the aggrieved party and it may dispense with such a requirement.
1544. According to the passage, there is always a gap between
(a) demand for natural justice and its realization.
(b) intention and execution
(c) rules of natural justice and their application.
(d) conception of a rule and its concretization.
Ans. c
1545. According to the passage, natural justice can be brought about by:
(a) Administrative authority framing rules suitably.
(b) administrative authority observing the rules of pair play.
(c) administrative authority remaining vigilant.
(d) administrative authority upholding rules of natural justice.
Ans. b
1546. “To dispense with a requirement” means
(a) to drop the charge
(b) to cancel all formal procedure
(c) to alter the provisions of the case.
(d) to do without the demand.
Ans. b
1547. “The rules of the natural justice are not embodied rules
(a) are flexible
(b) cannot be visualized.
(c) are left deliberately vague.
(d) cannot be satisfactorily interpreted.
Ans. b
1548. From the passages it is clear that it is the legislature that:
(a) invests the administrative authority with enormous powers.
(b) embodies rules.
(c) has the larger interests of public welfare.
(d) leaves administrative authority enough discretion to interpret rules.
Ans. a
In each of the following questions, out of the given alternative, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the italicized bold part of the sentence.
1549. Even today many people are guided by abstruse moral values.
(a) irrational
(b) obscure
(c) impracticable
(d) dangerous
Ans. b
1550. As the jockey tried to ride the horse, it suddenly went berserk.
(a) broke the carriage
(b) on a galloping speed.
(c) became uncontrollably wild.
(d) began to kick back
Ans. c