Subject English
Each of the following sentences contains a blank space. Below the sentence are a set of words lettered (a) through (d). Selects the word that best completes the sentence.
1576. She pointed out that his resume was ____ because it merely recorded his previous position and failed to highlight the specific skills he had mastered in each job.
(a) Disinterested
(b) Inadequate
(c) Conclusive
(d) Obligatory
Ans. b
1577. The patient bore the pain _____, neither wincing nor whimpering when the incision was made.
(a) poorly
(b) Marginally
(c) Stoically
(d) Sardonically
Ans. c
1578. By communicating through pointing and making gestures, he was able to overcome any _____ difficulties that arose during his recent trip to china.
(a) Linguistic
(b) Plausible
(c) Monetary
(d) Territorial
Ans. a
Select the Lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair in capital letters.
(a) politician :Promises
(b) Doctor: diagnosis
(c) Curator: Museum
(d) Lecturer: Speech
Ans. d
(a) artist : museum
(b) cashier : cheque
(c) waiter L restaurant
(d) borrower :loan
Ans. c
(a) peninsula :strait
(b) cluster : star
(c) border :nation
(d) Nucleus : atom
Ans. b
(a) conflagration : fire
(b) truce : battle
(c) peccadillo : offence
(d) fib : argument
Ans. c
(a) fleece : Sheep
(b) hive : bee
(c) foliage : horse
(d) forage: cattle
Ans. a
1584. The principal had an inquiry ___ the case.
(a) at
(b) in
(c) at
(d) into
Ans. d
1585. She has anxiety ___ her child.
(a) for
(b) about
(c) at
(d) of
Ans. b
1586. He doesn’t know how to look ___ a word in the dictionary.
(a) on
(b) up
(c) to
(d) for
Ans. b
1587. Sabina must be a Nause. She is wearing an apron. The conclusion above is valid only if it is true that:
(a) all nurses wear apron
(b) only nurses wear apron
(c) Nurse often wear apron
(d) Only female nurse wear apron
Ans. a
Correct from of sentences
Instruction: Choose the correct from of the sentence from the given options.
1588. Which series is correct when making a presentation?
(a) Firstly, secondly, after that, finally
(b) First, second, next, finally
(c) Begin with, next, end with
(d) Firstly, second, after that, finally
(e) All are correct
Ans. a
1589. Which sentence is incorrect?
(a) They don’t ever get up early on Sundays
(b) They don’t never get up early on Sundays
(c) They don’t usually get up early on Sundays
(d) They never get up early on Sundays
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1590. Which is correct?
(a) They carried on discussing the health services
(b) They carried on discuses the health services
(c) They carried on discussing the health services
(d) They carried on discussing the health services
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1591. Finish this question: Do you know where ___.
(a) he works?
(b) do he work?
(c) he does work?
(d) his works?
(e) him works?
Ans. a
1592. Which question is correct?
(a) You live here, aren’t you?
(b) You live here, didn’t you?
(c) You live here, don’t you?
(d) You live here, won’t you?
(e) All are correct
Ans. c
Sentence completion
Instruction: The sentence below is not complete. Three are five options for each question. Choose the best option to complete the sentence from the given options.
1593. Unless the weather change, ___.
(a) this year’s harvest will be adversely affected
(b) this year will adversely affect the harvest
(c) the harvest will adversely affect this year
(d) this year’s harvest will affect adversely
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1594. The government, in an attempt to encourage profitable loans, ___.
(a) have lower interest rates on bank loans regularly
(b) interest rates on bank loans have been regularly lowered
(c) has repeatedly lowered interest rates on banks loans
(d) interest rates been repeatedly lowered on banks loans
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1595. This another tool ___ your English language skills.
(a) to help you improve
(b) for help you to improve
(c) for you to improving
(d) to helping you improve
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1596. ___ particular preference, place be specific.
(a) if you, any however, have
(b) However, you may have any
(c) However, if you have any
(d) However, you may have any
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1597. If you intend to pursue a professional degree, ___ a professional resume.
(a) it is recommended for attaching
(b) as it is recommended that you to attach
(c) it is recommended that you to attach
(d) it is recommended that you attach
(e) None of these
Ans. d
Word meaning
Instruction: Choose the most appropriate replacement from the options given for the underlined word/words of the following sentences.
1598. Please do this now! This is urgent.
(a) immediately
(b) later
(c) sooner
(d) whenever
(e) before long
Ans. a
1599. Someone who is not strong is vulnerable.
(a) muscular
(b) weak
(c) pale
(d) raced
(e) excited
Ans. b
1600. He looked at his watch quickly.
(a) searched
(b) reached
(c) glanced
(d) sobbed
(e) raced
Ans. c