Subject English
For each question, there are four alternatives. Choose the one which can be best substituted for the given words.
1801. The plants and vegetation of a region -
(a) Fauna
(b) Flora
(c) Landscape
(d) Climate
Ans. b
1802. One who hates mankind -
(a) Misanthrope
(b) Philanthropist
(c) Lover
(d) Hatter
Ans. a
1803. One who collects postage stamps -
(a) Stamp Collector
(b) Vendor
(c) Lexicographer
(d) Philatelist
Ans. d
1804. A person claiming to be superior in culture and intellect to others -
(a) Elite
(b) Aristocrat
(c) Highbrow
(d) Intellectual
Ans. c
1805. A Mediator is -
(a) A thoughtful person
(b) A Middle man
(c) a media expert
(d) A settler of disputes
Ans. d
1806. Identify the incorrect spelling -
(a) Contmination
(b) Conjunction
(c) Connotation
(d) Commotion
Ans. a
1807. The appropriate meaning of the phrase ‘smell a rat’ is -
(a) Bad smell
(b) presence of thief
(c) make difficult
(d) suspect something
Ans. d
1808. What is the verb of the word ‘shortly’ -
(a) short
(b) shorter
(c) shorten
(d) shortness
Ans. c
1809. The examination _____ before I reached the hall.
(a) had started
(b) had been started
(c) has started
(d) did started
Ans. a
1810. A synonym for ‘celebrity’ is -
(a) Politician
(b) Superstar
(c) Efficient Officer
(d) Amicable person
Ans. b
1811. I wish I ____ the wing of a bird.
(a) have
(b) had
(c) owned
(d) could have
Ans. b
1812. Which one is abstract noun?
(a) boy
(b) child
(c) family
(d) childhood
Ans. d
Direction: Select from alternatives, the word that is most closely opposite in meaning to word given in capital letters.
1813. USURP
(a) rise rapidly
(b) usefully
(c) produce quickly
(d) own rightfully
Ans. d
(a) harsh
(b) different
(c) harmonious
(d) separate
Ans. c
(a) indifferent
(b) composure
(c) interest
(d) slumber
Ans. c
(a) pretentious
(b) brilliant
(c) egoistic
(d) modest
Ans. d
Direction: Select from the alternatives, the words that conveys the same meaning as the word given in capital letters.
(a) casual
(b) lethargic
(c) boring
(d) disinterested
Ans. b
(a) luminous
(b) gentle
(c) motionless
(d) peaceful
Ans. d
(a) careless
(b) contrary
(c) callous
(d) stubborn
Ans. d
(a) pithy
(b) Puzzling
(c) complicated
(d) illusive
Ans. b
Direction: Choose the one that best expressed the meaning of the given idiom/phrase.
1821. The Bill was passed by the Parliament in the teeth of opposition.
(a) in the face of
(b) by force of
(c) cooperation
(d) assistance
Ans. a
1822. I have a bone to pick with you in this matter.
(a) am angry
(b) selfish motive
(c) selfless motive
(d) desire
Ans. a
1823. Harassed by repeated acts at injustice, he decided to his his foot down.
(a) not to yield
(b) resign
(c) withdraw
(d) none of these
Ans. a
1824. He was in a brown study and did not seem to catch my point.
(a) in his study room
(b) absorbed in reading
(c) absent-minded
(d) in a state shock
Ans. c
1825. They set the two friends by the ear and then enjoyed the fun.
(a) made friends
(b) to provoke to quarrel
(c) to bring in agreement
(d) none of these
Ans. b