Subject English
1976. Identify the correct translation :
‘আমি তাকে অনেকদিন থেকে চিনি’
(a) I know him for a long time
(b) I knew him for a long time.
(c) I had known him for a long time.
(d) I have known him for a long.
Ans. d
1977. Choose the correct English translation :
কখনো অপরের নিন্দা করো না।
(a) Never tell bad of others.
(b) Never tell sick of others.
(c) Never speak evil of others.
(d) Never speak ill of others.
Ans. d
1978. Choose the best translation of the Bangla sentence
‘সে আমার মনের মত লোক।’
(a) He is man of my mind
(b) He is a man after my heart
(c) He is man like my mind.
(d) He is man to my mind
Ans. b
1979. The sound of a lamb is ____
(a) bleat
(b) roar
(c) scream
(d) grunt
Ans. a
1980. Since 1996, Rabin _____ in Dhaka.
(a) live
(b) lived
(c) has lived
(d) has been living
Ans. d
1981. The word ‘amicable’ means -
(a) hostile
(b) amusing
(c) expensive
(d) friendly
Ans. d
1982. Which of the following is not a collective noun?
(a) basis
(b) fleet
(c) shoal
(d) crew
Ans. a
1983. Fill in the blanks with the correct word: His house is adjacent ____ mine.
(a) for
(b) to
(c) by
(d) from
Ans. b
1984. The drama ‘A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream’ is written by -
(a) George B. Shaw
(b) Thomas Hardy
(c) Shakespeare
(d) T. S. Eliot
Ans. c
1985. What is the single word for the inability to see things clearly when they are far away?
(a) myopia
(b) myeloma
(c) myalgia
(d) anelmia
Ans. a
1986. The phrasal verb ‘write off’ means -
(a) to reduce rates
(b) to write completely
(c) to increase money
(d) to cancel a debt
Ans. d
1987. Choose the appropriate indirect speech of the following:
He said to me, “what do you want?”
(a) He said to what I want
(b) He told me what I wanted
(c) He asked me what I want
(d) He asked me what I wanted
Ans. d
1988. Choose the appropriate part of speech of the underlined word.
He reached home safely.
(a) Noun
(b) Adjective
(c) Verb
(d) Adverb
Ans. d
1989. Which is not true about the function of an adverb?
(a) qualifying a verb
(b) qualifying an verb
(c) qualifying a sentence
(d) qualifying an adjective
1990. In the word ‘hypersensitive’ the prefix ‘hyper’ means-
(a) supreme
(b) extreme
(c) below
(d) opposite
Ans. b
1991. By ‘fits and starts’ means -
(a) irregularly
(b) carefully
(c) below
(d) opposite
Ans. a
1992. What is the antonym of ‘courage’?
(a) daring
(b) strong
(c) cowardice
(d) cowardly
Ans. c
1993. Which of the following is an offer?
(a) Look out!
(b) Have a cup of tea.
(c) Let’s have a party!
(d) Have a good time.
Ans. c
1994. Telling lies ___ a great sin.
(a) am
(b) are
(c) was
(d) is
Ans. d
1995. Times have changed and so ____
(a) we have
(b) we are
(c) have we
(d) are we
Ans. d
1996. Fill in gap with the correct word. Peter can’t go and I can’t _____
(a) neither
(b) too
(c) also
(d) either
Ans. b
1997. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Being a cold day, we did not go out.
(b) A cold day we did not go out.
(c) It being a cold day we did not go out.
(d) It having a cold day we did not go out.
Ans. a
1998. What is the synonym of ‘nurse’?
(a) curse
(b) urge
(c) forge
(d) harbor
Ans. d
1999. What is the meaning of ‘die in harness’?
(a) commit suicides
(b) die for the country
(c) die in accident
(d) go on working till death
Ans. d
2000. Fill in the gap:
He works too slowly ___ in time.
(a) to complete
(b) complete
(c) for completing
(d) in completing
Ans. a