Subject English
Select the best word/set of word to fill in the blank.
1751. Can you put me ____ for the weekend?
(a) in
(b) up
(c) away
(d) down
(e) only
Ans. c
1752. It is so noisy that I con not concentrate ____ my homework.
(a) in
(b) to
(c) for
(d) into
(e) on
Ans. b
1753. My friend ____ to pick you up if you do no phone her.
(a) forgot
(b) will forget
(c) may forget
(d) can forget
(e) shall forget
Ans. b
Identify the incorrect word in the given sentences.
1754. Mithila intends to starting her won software business in a few years.
(a) intends
(b) starting
(c) software
(d) a
(e) few
Ans. b
1755. Do you know the student who books were stolen?
(a) Do
(b) know
(c) who
(d) were
(e) stolen
Ans. c
1756. Find the word that does not match in meaning of ‘grateful’.
(a) appreciate
(b) thankless
(c) gratitude
(d) indebted
(e) owe
Ans. b
1757. Select a word that may be considered synonym of ‘inadvertent’.
(a) unintentional
(b) inadequate
(c) inertia
(d) inundate
(e) ingest
Ans. a
1758. Select a word that may be considered antonym of ‘coherent’.
(a) external
(b) trapped
(c) permanent
(d) temporary
(e) illogical
Ans. e
Read the following passage carefully and answer the question based on it.
From ‘apparel to aerospace’, ‘steel to software’, the pace of technological innovation is quickening. No longer can companies afford to miss generation of technology and expect to remain competitive. Adding to the pressure, innovations are increasingly crossing industry boundaries; a new fiber developed by the textile industry has potential for building materials and medical equipment. Some companies are adept at using a diversity of technologies to create new products that transform markets. But many other are floundering because they rely on a technology strategy that no longer works in such a fast changing environment. The difference between success and failure is not how much a company spends on research and development (R&D), but how it approaches it. There are two possible approaches. Either a company can invest in R&D that an older generation of technology the ‘break though’ approach-or its focus on combining existing technologies into hybrid technologies – the ‘technologies fusion’ approach. It blends incremental technical improvements from several previously separate field of technology to create products that revolutionise markets. In a world where the old maxim ‘one technology one industry’ no longer applies, a singular breakthrough strategy is inadequate; companies need to include both the breakthrough and fusion approaches in their technology strategy. Relying on breakthroughs alone fails because it focuses the R&D efforts to narrowly, ignoring the possibilities of combining technologies. Yet many western companies still rely almost exclusively – on the breakthrough approach. The reasons are complex: a distrust of outside innovations and not-invented here engineering and arrogance and aversion to sharing research results.
1759. Which of the following is false according to the passage?
(a) Technological innovation is taking place at a fast pace
(b) All technological innovation are applicable in other industries
(c) Companies failing to adopt new technology may fall
(d) Companies which adopt technologies of other industries have an advantage
(e) Technology becomes obsolete in a fast changing environment.
Ans. b
1760. Which of the following would correctly reflect the position regarding the two approaches to technology adoption?
(a) Both the approaches are to be used at the same time
(b) ‘Breakthrough’ approach is only to be used
(c) ‘Technology fusion’ approach is only to be used
(d) ‘Breakthrough approach’ is preferable for many companies
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1761. Which of the following has the same meaning as the word ‘generation’ as it has been used in-the passage?
(a) Family
(b) Class
(c) Offspring
(d) Phase
(e) Level
Ans. d
1762. Which of the following features of technology has been highlighted most prominently by the author of the passage?
(a) Its improper utilization by some companies
(b) The speed at which innovation are happening
(c) The expensed involved in developing technology
(d) The two approaches to adopting technology
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1763. What does the author want to highlight by using the example ‘apparel to aerospace’ and ‘steel to software
(a) Many industries are trying to improve technology
(b) His knowledge about the various industries
(c) The wide spread technological innovations
(d) The speed of the technological innovation
(e) None of these
Ans. c
Find out which underline pair (A, B C and D) of the following sentence has an error. If there is no error, mark E.
1764. Transplanting a organs such b hearts and kidneys has proved c easier than transplanting muscles d . No Error e
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. b
1765. Bicyclists a joy b riding across country c and though small towns d . No Error e
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. d
1766. The a cine camera has b become obsolete since its c invention of video recording technology d . No Error e
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. c
1767. Drying a food by means b of solar energy is ancient c process applied d wherever food and climatic conditions make it possible. No Error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. c
1768. Fiber is an important a element in b nutritrion, and aids in protecting c the digestive tract as d well. No Error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. e
Choose the most appropriate alternative (s) to complete/correct the following sentences.
1769. As I reached home, I saw my sister _____ for help.
(a) to shout
(b) shouting
(c) shouted
(d) shout
Ans. b
1770. She held the umbrella _____ her head.
(a) on
(b) above
(c) over
(d) at
Ans. c
1771. If the roof ____, we all ____ die.
(a) fell, would
(b) fall, would
(c) fallen, would
(d) falling, would
Ans. a
1772. If she ____ her identity card, she ____ in trouble.
(a) lose, would be
(b) loses, will be
(c) will lose, would be
(d) loses, would be
Ans. b
Each of the following idioms is followed by some alternatives. Choose the one which best expresses its meaning.
1773. A snake in the grass
(a) Secret or hidden enemy
(b) Unforeseen happening
(c) Unrecognizable danger
(d) Unreliable person
Ans. a
1774. To blow hot and cold
(a) changing weather
(b) To be untrustworthy
(c) To be inconsistent
(d) To be rich and poor frequently
Ans. c
1775. To blaze trail
(a) To set on fire
(b) To be annoyed
(c) To vehemently oppose
(d) To initiate work in a movement
Ans. d