Subject English
1951. A person of ____ age may suffer from defects vision.
(a) every
(b) any
(c) certain
(d) some
Ans. b
1952. ‘Justice delayed is denied’ was stated by-
(a) Shakespeare
(b) Emerson
(c) Gladstone
(d) Disraeli
Ans. c
1953. ‘Renaissance’ means -
(a) the revival of learning
(b) the revival of hard task
(c) the revival of life
(d) the revival of new country
Ans. a
1954. Choose the correct sentence
(a) The matter was informed to the police
(b) The matter has been informed to the police
(c) The information was given to police
(d) The police were informed of the matter
Ans. d
1955. Antonym of ‘harmony’ is
(a) admiration
(b) discard
(c) co-operation
(d) co-ordination
1956. What is the synonym of ‘disparity’?
(a) argumentation
(b) belittlement
(c) difference
(d) harmony
Ans. c
1957. The police opened fire ___ the crowd to disperse. Which of the following dose best fit in the blank space?
(a) to
(b) into
(c) in
(d) on
Ans. d
1958. What is the synonym of the word dictionary?
(a) index book
(b) lexicon
(c) big word book
(d) legend book
Ans. b
1959. Choose the correct sentence-
(a) I, you and he are present
(b) You, he and I are present
(c) You, he and I am present
(d) He, You and I are present
Ans. b
1960. What is the antonym of harmony?
(a) admiration
(b) discord
(c) co-operation
(d) co-ordination
Ans. b
1961. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
(a) Heterogenons
(b) Heterogeneous
(c) Heteroganeous
(d) Hetrogeneous
Ans. b
1962. Full শব্দটির synonym হচ্ছে-
(a) filled
(b) fulfilment
(c) fill
(d) full
Ans. a
(a) Liquid : litre
(b) bushel : corn
(c) weight : scale
(d) fame : television
Ans. a
(a) comfort : stimulant
(b) grief : consolation
(c) trance : narcotic
(d) ache : extraction
Ans. b
1965. Which is the antonym of ‘transparent’?
(a) opaque
(b) clear
(c) honest
(d) none of the above
Ans. a
1966. I waited until the plane-
(a) did not take off
(b) took off
(c) had not off
(d) had taken off
Ans. b
1967. Choose the correct English translation:
কখনো অপরের নিন্দা করো না।
(a) Never tell bad of others
(b) Never tell sick of others
(c) Never speak evil of others
(d) Never speak ill of others
Ans. d
1968. Identify the correct translation:
আমি তাকে অনেকদিন থেকে চিনি।
(a) I know him for a long time
(b) I knew him for a long time
(c) I had known him a long time
(d) I have known him for a long time
Ans. d
(a) first : second
(b) contemporary
(c) present : past
(d) successor : predecessor
Ans. d
1970. Which one is correct?
(a) I was I am in Europe
(b) I wish I were in Europe
(c) I wish I have been in Europe
(d) I wish I was in Europe
Ans. b
1971. “Tooth and nail” means –
(a) strongly
(b) mouthwash
(c) everything
(d) none of the above
Ans. a
1972. Correct spelling is –
(a) Cigarette
(b) Cigarrete
(c) Cigrete
(d) Diggrette
Ans. a
1973. ‘Excuse me, gentlemen’ – ‘Excuse me’ is used to –
(a) apology
(b) draw attention
(c) beg pardon
(d) express disgust
Ans. b
1974. I waited until the plane ____
(a) did not take off
(b) took off
(c) had not off
(d) had take off
Ans. b
1975. Choose the correct sentence.
(a) I am very busy to talk to you.
(b) I am very much busy to talk to you.
(c) I am so busy to talk to you.
(d) I am too busy talk to you.
Ans. d