Subject English
Each sentence below has one or more blank(s). Choose the most appropriate alternative (s) to complete/correct the following sentence.
2551. In his short story, the author _____ the complexity of modern life and the _____ of modern man.
(a) portrays, picture
(b) delineates, inclinations
(c) depicts, predicament
(d) pictures, life
Ans. c
2552. I could not _____ him to attend the meeting.
(a) prevail over
(b) prevail upon
(c) prevail about
(d) prevail in
Ans. b
2553. Genetic engineering in humans should be used to _____ diseases, not to ____ genetic uniformity.
(a) treat, foster
(b) eradicate, cater
(c) cure, generate
(d) avoid, promote
Ans. a
2554. Professor Razzak was a scholar _____ refute.
(Fill in the gap)
(a) in
(b) of
(c) after
(d) by
Ans. b
2555. David Coperfield’ is a/an _____ novel.
(a) Victorian
(b) Eligabethan
(c) Romantic
(d) Modern
Ans. b
2556. ‘Elegy written is a country churchyard’ is written by -
(a) William Wordsworth
(b) Thomas Gray
(c) John Keats
(d) W. B. Yeats
Ans. b
2557. Johan Smith is good ____ Mathematics.
(a) at
(b) in
(c) of
(d) after
Ans. a
2558. Shakespeare’s ‘Measure for Measure’ is a successful _____
(a) tragedy
(b) comedy
(c) tragi-comedy
(d) melo drama
Ans. b
2559. Teacher said, “The earth _____ round the sun.”
(a) moves
(b) moved
(c) has moved
(d) will be moving
Ans. a
2560. The romantic age in English literature began with the publication of _____.
(a) Preface to Shakespeare
(b) Preface to Lyrical Ballads
(c) Preface to Ancient Mariners
(d) Preface to Dr. Johnson
Ans. b
2561. In English grammar, _____ deals with formation of sentences.
(a) Morphology
(b) Etymology
(c) Syntax
(d) Semantics
Ans. c
2562. Which of the followings books is written by Thomas Hardy?
(a) Vanity Fair
(b) The Return of the Native
(c) Pride and Prejudice
(d) Oliver Twist
Ans. b
2563. He insisted _____ there. (Fill in the gap)
(a) on my going
(b) is to go
(c) over going
(d) to go
Ans. a
2564. The idiom ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ – refers to the importance of -
(a) saving lives
(b) timely action
(c) saving time
(d) time tailoring
Ans. b
2565. “Frailty thy name is woman”___ is a famous dialogue from.
(a) Christopher Marlow
(b) Johns Webstar
(c) W. Shakespeare
(d) T. S. Eliot
Ans. c
2566. The poem “The Solitary Reaper” is written by_
(a) W. H. Auden
(b) W. Wordsworth
(c) W. B. Yeats
(d) Ezra Pound
Ans. b
2567. ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is a Shakespearean play about
(a) a Jew
(b) a Moor
(c) a Roman
(d) a Turk
Ans. a
2568. What world be the right antonym for ‘initiative’?
(a) apathy
(b) indolence
(c) enterprise
(d) activity
Ans. b
2569. The play ‘Candida’ is by -
(a) James Joyce
(b) Shakespeare
(c) G. B. Shaw
(d) Arthur Miller
Ans. c
2570. Which of the following writer belongs to the romantic period in English literature?
(a) A Tennyson
(b) Alexander Pope
(c) John Dryden
(d) S. T. Coleridge
Ans. d
2571. This could have worked if I _____ been more cautious.
(a) had
(b) have
(c) might
(d) would
Ans. a
2572. The Climax of a plot is what happens -
(a) in the beginning
(b) at the height
(c) at the end
(d) in the confrontation
Ans. b
2573. London town is found a living in the works of -
(a) Thomas Hardy
(b) Charles Dickens
(c) W. Congreve
(d) D. H. Lawrence
Ans. b
2574. I have been living in Dhaka _____ 2000.
(a) since
(b) from
(c) after
(d) till
Ans. a
2575. Give the antonym of the world “transitory”
(a) temporary
(b) permanent
(c) transparent
(d) short-lived
Ans. b