Subject English
Select the appropriate word from the given options to complete the sentence.
2601. Man is still a _____ in the labour market.
(a) glut
(b) possibility
(c) commodity
(d) provision
Ans. a
Select the one that is opposite in meaning to the given word.
2602. Assuage
(a) resolve
(b) decrease
(c) separate
(d) irritate
Ans. d
2603. Admonition
(a) warning
(b) threat
(c) fear
(d) request
Ans. d
Choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/sentences.
2604. Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space.
(a) agoraphobia
(b) claustrophobia
(c) xenophobia
(d) paranoia
Ans. b
2605. A person with a long experience of any occupation.
(a) veteran
(b) genius
(c) seasoned
(d) ambidextrous
Ans. a
Replace the phrase underlined to make the sentence grammatically correct.
2606. The man to who I sold my house was a cheat.
(a) to whom I sell
(b) to who I see
(c) who was sold
(d) to whom I sold
(e) who has been sold
Ans. d
2607. He is too important for tolerating any delay.
(a) to tolerate
(b) to tolerating
(c) at tolerating
(d) with tolerating
(e) tolerating
Ans. a
2608. The small does whatever his father was done.
(a) has done
(b) did
(c) does
(d) had done
(e) do
Ans. e
2609. Maria unnecessarily picket up a quarrel with Rani and left the party.
(a) had picked up
(b) picked on
(c) picked at
(d) picking up
(e) picked
Ans. c
Fill in the Gap with the most appropriate word/phrase.
2610. Those who assume that no evil can befall them are foolishly _____.
(a) ardent
(b) complacent
(c) confident
(d) apprehensive
(e) composed
Ans. c
2611. The satisfactions of primeval people, though few and meager, were ____ their few and simple desires.
(a) simultaneous with
(b) commensurate with
(c) matching to
(d) at the outset of
(e) contained by
Ans. b
2612. He won the case because the _____ of the evidence was on his side.
(a) brunt
(b) paucity
(c) preponderance
(d) accuracy
(e) insignificance
Ans. d
2613. I told him everything that he _____ to know.
(a) would
(b) needs
(c) could
(d) must
(e) might
Ans. b
Read the following passage carefully and answer the question based on it.
Comfort is now one of the causes of its own spread. It has now become a physical habit, a fashion, an ideal to be pursued for its own shake. The more comfort is brought into the world, the more it is likely to be valued. To those who have know comfort, discomfort is a real torture. The fashion which now decreases the worship of comfort is quite as imperious as any other fashion. Moreover enormous material interests are bound up with the supply of means of comfort. The manufactures of furniture of heating apparatus, of plumbing fixtures cannot afford to let the love of comfort die. In modern advertisement they have found a means of compelling it to live and grow. A man of means today, who builds a house, is in general concerned primarily with the comfort of his future residence, he will regard his house as perfect. His counterpart in an earlier would have been primarily concerned with the impressiveness and magnificence of his dwelling with beauty, in a world, rather than comfort. The money our contemporary would spend on decoration and air-conditioning would have been spent on marble stair cases, frescoes, picture and statues. I am inclined to think that our present passion for comfort is a little exaggerated. Though I personally enjoy comfort, I have lived most happily in house devoid of everything that Anglo-Saxon deem indispensable. However, comfort for me has justification; it facilitates mental life Discomfort handicaps thought; it is difficult to use the mind when the body is cold and aching.
2614. How do people manage to keep the love of comfort alive?
(a) by pumping in more comfort goods in the market
(b) By sacrificing high profit on comfort goods
(c) By targeting youth in the sales campaign
(d) By appealing to the emotionality of people
Ans. a
2615. Why does the author value comfort?
(a) It helps to project one’s image
(b) It help to project your values
(c) It encourages a blend of materialistic and spiritual thinking
(d) It facilities mental life
Ans. d
2616. What was characteristic of affluent man of an earlier age?
(a) He used to put higher preying on comfort
(b) He was relying much on advertisements
(c) He believed more in simple and cheaper things
(d) His emphasis was on beauty
Ans. d
2617. What changes according to the author has taken place in the attitude towards comfort?
(a) It is taken for granted in the modern way of living
(b) It has become has now ideal to be pursued for its own sake
(c) It is now believed that discomfort handicaps thought
(d) It is thought that comfort helps body and mind to function effectively
Ans. d
2618. Why would manufacturers of various devices not permit comfort to die?
(a) They want to manufacture more and more comfort goods
(b) The manufacture are mainly interested in creating new things
(c) The prosperity is closely linked with the people’s desire for comfort
(d) Manufacturer’s emphasis is on producing beautiful things
Ans. c
Each sentence has four underlined word(s). The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked a, b, c, and d. Identify the one underlined word that must be changed in order for sentence to be correct.
2619. Transplanting a organs such b hearts and kidneys has proved c easier that than transplanting muscles d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
2620. Bicyclists a joy b riding across country c and through small towns d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
2621. The a cine camera has b become obsolete since its c invention of video recording technology d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
2622. Drying a food by means b of solar energy is ancient c process applied d wherever food and climatic.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
2623. Fiber is an important a element to b nutrition, and it aids in protecting c the digestive tract as d well.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
In each of the following questions, a related pairs of words is followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship expressed in the question pair.
2624. Doubt : Faith
(a) Atheist : Religion
(b) Skeptic : Pious
(c) Iconoclast : Idol
(d) Apostate : State
Ans. a
2625. Sail : Ship
(a) Propeller : Aero plane
(b) Radar : Satellite
(c) Hydrogen : Balloon
(d) Accelerator : Car
Ans. b